October 9, 2018


In the grocery store I imagine I’m a walking meme, with the text “CRUSHING SADNESS” in a heavy font, weighing down on the crown of my head. It’s personal, it’s political, it’s global, it’s environmental, it’s all at once. I keep voting and it feels like I’m pouring an ounce of clean water into a polluted sea. The person who made me aware of my vulnerability to addiction, and who I credit with my being able to avoid falling into the Tullos Tar Pit of Addiction, seems to be getting sucked back down into it, thanks to his own CRUSHING SADNESS.
I just want to lay down where I am and never get back up. In the movie Serenity, there is a scene on a terrafomed planet where a chemical was introduced to help calm down the population. Instead of simply calming down,  a large percentage of the people just stopped. Stopped eating, speaking, interacting with loved ones. They just sat down and stopped everything until it killed them. I don’t want to die, but I feel like if I stopped and waited for the rest of the world to get its shit together, I’d be a corpse before there was any progress.

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