October 15, 2019


I cut off all of my hair and found out how much gray I actually have. Thanks, Dad.

My kids have been sick, a lot. Today I got to clean up vomit AND diarrhea. This is the second round of vomiting in the month, and the 4th illness.

I've learned that the family chaos seems to flare up on weekends. As a result,  I usually have all I can handle by Tuesday, get into bed early and have trouble getting back out. I let it swallow me one night a week.

Good things:

I have a lot of seeds planted for winter.

I led an amazing couple of music classes today.

I found out I am able to lead a "Babies Only" music class.

I got asked to sing in a band with a couple of bad ass ladies. We'll see if I can make it work.

I finished sewing all of the items I am donating to the girls' school for holiday fundraisers.

I got hired to do A TON of sewing in advance of East Austin Studio Tour.

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