August 13, 2005

I Am Back!

We finally have a phone line, though working out it being in our name is becoming a problem. I've made sure to call long distance several times since someone else is apparently paying the bill. So I am now able to access my dial-up. Hooray for old neighborhoods! It really is okay, I am just SO thankful to have my computer running again.

Ex. #1 and I have been working on the house full time and it is coming along in leaps and bounds. I'll be sure to post pictures soon. An IKEA just opened nearby, so we've been shopping and stocking the house. We're also working on having the best backyard in the world and we're getting closer and closer to attaining it. I think we might be done in about a year.

This summer has sucked otherwise. Wreck, death and subsequently cancelled weddings made it a hard one to get through. Lots of crying. Plus I've been putting in about 50 hours a week between the two restaurants waiting tables. Try it sometime - it'll wear you out.

School begins again this Thursday and I am really looking forward to it. The time off of work will be fantastic.

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