August 16, 2006

Why is it that when I wake up on the couch in the middle of the night the mere act of going up stairs to get into bed can give me an incredible BURST of energy that keeps me up for hours, but on any other day of the week I can't manage to wake up at 7am without first playing the snooze game with my alarm for an hour?


I have an appointment with a sleep specialist on Thursday to see if we can sort out this whole sleeping in inappropriate (i.e. while behind the wheel of a car) places. Who knows? Maybe I'll be medicated before classes start.

If not, we're in for trouble. Stress is already piling up now that I am looking for another job, and I find myself needing more naps, and thinking, "I don't have to get up until 1:25pm to leave at 1:30pm..." to make it to an interview. Yikes!

And just a little bitch:
Why is it that Trudy's requires two years experience in a restaurant where you ring over a thousand in a shift?
I've got a year's experience doing that. I've got two more years of experience in a smaller restaurant, and eight months of managing. WTF?
Why is it so hard to find a job that I'll be able to live with?

I have another interview at 10:30 am, and I am stopping by another restaurant this afternoon before work. I wanted to apply at South Congress Cafe, but they are owned by Trudy's, and I have a feeling that despite the fact that they are MUCH MUCH smaller, they have similar requirements.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, I have heard, from over-hearing servers and from asking them directly, that Trudy's is a suck-ass scary bad place to work. So fuck 'em.

I will call you soon but I just had oral surgery and I can't talk.


Anonymous said...

I have somehow become my friend Catherine's default person to bitch to about her waitressing job, and let me tell you, there have been numerous occasions where I just held the phone away from my ear and let her scream. I don't know how you guys do it.